Nov 27, 2012

The end of APE

November 28, 2012

Six weeks later…

I hadn’t intended the October 17 entry to be my last one during the Atheist Prayer Experiment, but this is the first I’ve returned to post on the site. I did continue to comment on the APE Facebook page, and I very much enjoyed the people I met there. 

I did, in fact, continue praying until the 40th day, though from day 1 to day 40, I probably missed five or six days.  If I got up late in the morning, and  I told myself that I was going to pray later in the day, sometimes I never got back around to it.

At the close of the project, Justin Brierley, the host of Unbelievable, emailed out a list of questions to everyone; it was his means of gauging the impact of 40 days of prayer in the lives of the participants.

I answered those questions from Justin in a telephone interview, parts of which were used for the second Unbelievable episode on the APE,  broadcast on November 17, 2012.  The podcasts for the twoUnbelievable APE episodes can be found at this link or at iTunes.  The sound file of my individual interview can be heard or downloaded at this link.

I haven’t decided what to do with this blog now that the APE is over. My other online writing is in a forum that is more targeted toward specific subjects, and it is less suited to editorial comment or, for that matter, candor.  I can be more candid here, but that doesn’t free me from the obligation to focus this blog in a particular direction.  As my sister told me recently, “you write well, but you haven’t found your voice.”  It didn’t take much soul-searching to realize that she’s right. 

For now, I thought I’d conclude my work on the APE, for those who may have read parts of the project this far.   More to come.